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Notepad++, Windows 10, UAC & The Plugin-Nightmare - How To Fix It

Notepad++ is great: It has always been my favourite editor, I loved all those useful plugins until... well, until Windows 10 showed up on my company's machines, thus meaning UAC was enforced.
Though we are Local Admins on the machines & starting Notepad++ as Local Administrator, the Plugin Admin couldn't connect to the Plugin Ressources and couldn't download any updates.


My problems were caused by Notepad++ not being able to store Update Proxy Information in Non-Administrative Mode. My best guess is that UAC enforced this behaviour.
Took me some time to come up with this remedy since Notepad++ doesn't show any network-error (default behavior).
Also, I didn't find any information how to specify my proxy-credentials in the Update-Proxy-dialog, but there's a remedy for that, too.

However, if you're behind a Socks-proxy, things might work completely different and are not covered by this blog-post.

My Technical Environment:

Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit
Notepad++ 7.7.1 64 bit

Here's how to fix it:

1. When installing Notepad++, make sure, that you are not using the %APPDATA%-directory, but keep any configuration within the local program folder. To achieve this, click the appropriate checkbox during installation:

2. After having installed Notepad++, run the program as Local Administrator:

3. Open the settings to enter your proxy via the "?"-menu -> Set Updater Proxy:

4. Enter the proxy server in the format

http://[proxy-host] (in case you don't need to provide credentials)


http://[user]:[password]@[proxy-host] (in case you need to provide credentials)

i. e. 


Don't forget to specify the proxy port:

5 Click OK, exit Notepad++ and restart it running in non-administrative mode, et voilà:

Hope some of you guys asking on Stackoverflow et al not getting a workable solution find this piece of information useful.

In case of any questions, it's easiest to contact me via my Twitter account.



  1. Thanks!!! That worked for me. This has been bugging me for a long time.

  2. Thanks a lot - tried with "open as admin" and copied dll manually. Both didn't work. Your solution fixed it !! Thanks for sharing!


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